VALID UNTIL DECEMBER 15, 2024! NO RISK- 30-DAY Money Back Guarantee!
If you change your mind from the moment you make payment until 30 days after launch, we will refund you! No questions asked. We do not mess around in business. We are a national Veteran owned agency. Reputation is everything! has a special offer of $99 for a LIFETIME fee to be featured on the site when it launches. No further charges! For those that do not take this special offer, after launch there is a monthly fee. We encourage you to take advantage of this one-time lifetime rate.
For perspective, this site, is now $499 per month! Don't wait to join DiscoverFortDrum until you realize you huge this is.
The $99 lifetime deal provides you a featured listing that is rotated on the home page and featured above the basic listings. You will be featured on our social media on a rotational basis. You will have access to our local Fort Drum Facebook groups with over 40,000 members. This is HUGE! Only our members can post their business!
Use this form below to get started.
THIS RATE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE, CAR DEALERS OR INSURANCE - We limit these industries to ensure their success. Use the form below to schedule a call to discuss more if you are in these industries.
Launch date expected January 31, 2025
MEMBERS MAY NOT SHARE "JOIN MY GROUP" posts in our groups.
Our sites are Veteran owned by Discover Maestro. America's premier Veteran Owned Marketing Agency and Media Company
Rank Higher on Search Engines! Your listing will promote the SEO of your business!
You can also see DiscoverFortMoore, DiscoverFortLiberty, DiscoverLuke as examples of our natiowide site!
All Veteran business owners who sign up are also given a featured listing on our national site,