Finlayson Family Chiropractic

Finlayson Family Chiropractic
6201 Pacific Ave ste a
Tacoma, WA 98408
United States

Finlayson Family Chiropractic can be found on Pacific Avenue in Tacoma, nestled within a bustling corridor of commerce and activity. What makes this location memorable is its easy accessibility and the family-oriented approach they take to chiropractic care. This could be a go-to for families or individuals seeking a supportive and welcoming environment for their chiropractic needs. With services tailored to all ages, it's a place where every family member could potentially find relief and improved health.

Carl ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have been to some good chiropractors over the years and some not so good. Finlayson is the best I have ever seen. I am thrilled that I found them.
I wish more chiropractors would x-ray their patients before seeing them. It totally helped to create an action plan for me and has sped up my recovery.
Their approach is phenomenal and I never feel like I am being rushed out the door like other practices I have been to. Each visit isn't a cookie cutter approach, which is appreciated. I know I made the best choice with them.
I plan on sticking with this location moving forward. Top notch!

Greg ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
When you first come here, they'll do an X-ray of your spine to see what needs to be adjusted/focused on. This place has their own X-ray room so the cost is much cheaper than if you needed an X-ray at a hospital. I always feel good after my adjustments - Dr. Brad and Dr. Chris do a good job explaining what they're adjusting and why/how they're adjusting it. I'd say my posture, as well as pain related to my lack of good posture have improved since coming here. I always have a good experience here and staff is super friendly.

Katia ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
First time ever visiting a chiropractor and it was such a great experience from beginning to end! I came in to overall help my wellness and health. Turns out my back is not looking so good! I was shocked looking at the x ray! Dr. Chris did an amazing job explaining everything and it was such a peaceful experience! I didn't realize how important chiropractor care is! I have a follow up appt this Thursday and I'm beyond excited for this journey! Even though it's more than an hour drive to get there.. it's totally worth it!

Sergi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Well...I wasn't really a believer in chiropractic centers before my visit and I was a bit skeptical but after my visit, I can truly say that in a believer! This establishment is amazing, family-oriented and the staff there take a positive and welcoming vibe with them wherever they go. it's a thumbs up for me, thank you Finlayson Family Chiropractic!