Another attack on the power grid - the media ignores it - will take 2 years to repair


The recent serious attack on a major transformer using arson, and a burning car caused enough damage that it will reportedly take "years" to repair. Since the sabotage wasn't caused by someone who promotes the desired narrative by the corporate media - the media chose to ignore the destruction. In the end, nobody will care which group of crazies, criminals or nuts decide to take down the power grid - we will all be suffering the consequences.
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Who the heck is Glen Morgan? https://www.wethegoverned.com/glen-mo...
Why do the politicians and political establishment hate Glen Morgan? Maybe this is one of the reasons? A mostly updated list of politicians and others who Glen has caught breaking the law over the past few years: https://www.wethegoverned.com/politic...
Original CNN article from a year ago discussing "right wing extremists" arrested for potentially planning to damage the power grid: https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/25/politi...
The alternative news stories about this recent attack on the power grid outside Las Vegas: https://www.gulf-insider.com/media-bl... and: https://ussanews.com/2023/01/07/break...
last video I launched about the criminals caught sabotaging the Tacoma substations: https://youtu.be/OCgOHGHIPUI Seattle Times December 31, 2022 article: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-...
Puget Sound Energy: https://www.pse.com/ Tacoma Power: https://www.mytpu.org/about-tpu/servi... Bonneville Power Administration: https://www.bpa.gov/ Grant County PUD: https://www.grantpud.org/ Washington Utility Public District Association: https://www.wpuda.org/ Articles about the arrest of the two criminals in this recent power grid attack. Several related articles are linked as well: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti... https://news.yahoo.com/burglaries-sub... https://lynnwoodtimes.com/2022/12/26/... https://www.q13fox.com/news/energy-at... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/two... General concerns about the power grid: Practical Engineering: How long would society last during a total grid collapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OpC4... What if Electricity Went Out Every where?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSgT5... 60 minutes: How Secure is America's power grid?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlGI6... When the Grid goes down: How to power essential devices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4T37... (note, there are a variety of videos and helpful websites worth checking out if you want to learn more about practical preparation at home and in your community to manage and survive a longer-term power shutdown) Article I wrote about Gov. Inslee firing line workers using the Covid Vax excuse: https://www.wethegoverned.com/will-go... Articles about recent attacks on the electrical substations: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti... https://www.q13fox.com/news/washingto... https://www.bendbulletin.com/localsta... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fbi... https://www.securityinfowatch.com/cri... https://www.newsweek.com/physical-att...

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