DiscoverJBLM.com's Facebook Groups


Our Facebook groups are a unique place.  Some are for buy/sell items.  Some are for discussion and learning.  
We work hard to keep them updated and remove spam.  We work hard to keep bullying out of our groups.  That is why it is rare to see the spam "facebook live" posts in our groups.  You will also rarely see posts from people who are in foreign countries with information about your "rich long lost uncles" who left you a million dollars. 
We require business owners to register on DiscoverJBLM.com or one of our other Discover websites.  This allows us to ensure that we can contact them as we verify their information.  It helps to ensure that scammers do not take advantage of anyone.  The last thing we want to see is anyone being scammed or taken advantage of.  Yes there is a rate to join.  We can't avoid that.  Our sites, social media and monitoring cost us a decent amount each month and we monitor these sites almost 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.  Plus most of these sites have been 5 years of daily work.  
It is unfair for our business members to have non-members to post in our groups.  Thus we may remove your business posts.  I am sure you can understand. 
Since the number of businesses who join us are relatively low, this allows each group to run smoothly without over spamming by unverified businesses and hundreds of real estate and mortgage people.  Not to pick on them but there are many in the area and we don't want our groups to be real estate groups.  
We also want our local business owners to be successful.  Most are small businesses.  So we share our member's profiles from DiscoverJBLM.com onto numerous facebook pages that we own as well as in many groups for you.  Sales is about repetition.  The more people see you, the more that will eventually buy from you.  
After we pay our bills for staff, websites and software, we use the remaining funds to advertise and drive more traffic to our sites. This drives traffic back to our business members.  Our goal is your success. 
So as some in business may wonder why they have to join our sites to post in our groups, I hope you can keep this in mind. We have made it very economical to join us and are much less expensive to reach this size of audience compared to newspapers and other places that rarely bring you results or are engaged to help you to succeed. 
If you are interested in joining our groups and adding your business to our Discover websites, get started by emailing us HERE.

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