Hiatt Magical Vacations by Tiana

Olympia, WA 98501
United States

Hello , My name is Tiana Bice, my obsession with Disney started at a young age with my parents buying every single movie that came out. Which then led to multiple trips to Disney locations to include Disneyland, Disney World, Euro Disney (now Disneyland Paris). I specialize in military bookings, being an army brat and now spouse myself. Id like to say I know all the tips and tricks behind traveling as a military family , but there is always room to grow. With that being said, I understand the struggle of booking a trip with an active duty member can be scary with the everchanging schedule they have, but I am here to help and advise you with the best options. Not to mention I will gladly change your options as many times as needed. I look forward to hearing how I can make your trip even more magical. " A journey o fa thousand miles begins with a single step." (Lao Tzu)
Military Discounts Available
Open Sundays