SHERIFF WARNING: It's not a matter of 'IF' we are attacked, it's WHEN!"


Watch the video.  Sheriff Jones recently returned from the National Sheriff’s Association in Washington D.C. He spoke directly to the public on what he learned, including threats to the U.S. and "need-to-know information."
Butler Co. sheriff addresses what he learned at conference 
"In the United States the president of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs of the 3300 we have a hierarchy we have a president we have a vice president president of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs he also refuses to meet with the police Chiefs of the United States they have a hierarchy also he refuses to meet with them to talk about border issues or to talk about crime that's going on because of the Border issue we were also told by Mr Ray the FBI director that there are more red flags going off now than before 9/11!"
Sherriff - "We are going to start training civilians."
"It's not a matter of 'if' they attack, it's 'when'. The National Guard is not going to save you."
WATCH BELOW - "It's not to scare people, it's the truth!"
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