The 2020 Black Market - Millions of People Circumvent Stores Being Closed


Millions of people across the United States are circumventing the store closures.  They are buying and selling every good and service that you can ever imagine.  Though I am sure everyone is doing their utmost to sanitize, there is always the risk that Covid19 is spread in any transaction.  This has been happening not just since the shut downs, but long before that when the virus was spreading under our noses.  Millions of transactions still are being conducted.  So is the shut down truly doing anything?  Let's get real, shall we?  This is how they are doing it:
"We live in a time of opportunity." That is what the gurus will tell you. During Prohibition, there was always a way to circumvent the government.  Change gun laws to make it harder for citizens to defend themselves, "criminals" will take over gun sales. 
People and business owners are in Facebook groups.  You can buy/sell anything and conduct business as much as you want and there is nothing that anyone can do to you.  Nothing.  It's legal.  When business owners talk about "pivoting" one can only wonder, if everyone else is selling this way, why aren't you?  They are taking advantage of opportunity and you are waiting in the hopes that things will go back to normal tomorrow.  News flash, it isn't.  Not for a very long time.  Especially if you live in Washington State.  The longer it takes you to realize it, the more risk you have of permanent shut down as others pivot and taking advantage of opportunity to sell the very things that you sell.
Take for example a certain store in Columbus, GA, during this pandemic, their employees were taking pictures of their products to include deodorant.  They would use their cell phones to take pictures of products then post them online in these groups with pickup at the store parking lot.  Brilliant.  I watched them conduct thousands of dollars in sales this way over the past 30 days.  What is stopping you?
Dave "Ranger Dave" Maestas, CEO of Maestro Strategic Solutions, the leading marketing agency in the Puget Sound with over 190,000 social media followers and over 200,000 monthly views on his websites states, "Everyone is online right now.  More people are online than ever before in the history of man.  Social media and website traffic has double and even quadrupled in many cases.  What do you think people are doing at home?  You are reading this now.  It baffles me why business owners are not online to even ship products when this many people are online."  In the South Sound you have the military and all the government employees who are still being paid and need items.  Nothing has changed except the location to get what they need.  They are transacting in these buy/sell groups daily.  "Since they are the largest market in the South Sound, where are you trying to sell?" Ranger Dave stated.
Take for example this Facebook buy/sell page: JBLM BUY SELL - You can see it all!  Every Facebook group has its rules.  Make sure you follow them or you will quickly be banned - forever. 
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