Army Units at Joint Base Lewis-McChord

Featured Listings
1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team (1-2 SBCT)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team at JBLM
1st Special Forces Group (Airborne)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
The 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) has a long & storied history serving the Nation during peacetime & war. Stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA.
593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
593d Expeditionary Sustainment Command provides sustainment support to enable freedom of action in the Indo-Pacific AOR to win decisively in any environment.
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
America's First Corps is a three-star headquarters that manages daily activities for more than 44k Soldiers stationed at JBLM & across the Pacific.
U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
The 7th Infantry Division is headquartered at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
1-17 Infantry "Buffaloes" JBLM
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment "Buffaloes" Joint Base Lewis McChord
14th Brigade Engineer Battalion “Rugged”
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
14th Brigade Engineer Battalion “Rugged”
16th Combat Aviation Brigade
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
16th Combat Aviation Brigade
17th Field Artillery Brigade
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
17th Field Artillery Brigade
189th Combine Arms Training Brigade (CATB)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
The 189th CATB partners with designated units from each component to enable total Army combat readiness throughout the sustainable readiness model.
201st Military Intelligence Brigade
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
201st Military Intelligence Brigade
2-1 Infantry “Legion”
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment
22d Corps Signal Brigade
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment (2/75 Ranger)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
The 2nd Ranger Battalion, currently based JBLM Washington, is the second of three ranger battalions belonging to the United States Army's 75th Ranger Regiment.
2nd Brigade Support Battalion “Mustangs”
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
2nd Brigade Support Battalion “Mustangs”
2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division JBLM
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division (2-2 SBCT) Joint Base Lewis McChord
404th Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
404th AFSB is a mission- focused, modular organization, designed to project logistics power to our expeditionary Army.
4-23 Infantry “Tomahawks” Joint Base Lewis McChord
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
4th Battalion, 23d Infantry Tomahawks JBLM
42nd Military Police Brigade
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
42nd Military Police Brigade
4th Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)
Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA
160th SOAR's mission is to organize, equip, train, resource & employ Army special operations aviation forces worldwide

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